[LQ 1010] Q.P. Code: 664701 Sub. Code: 4701
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
First Year
Paper I - Anatomy & Physiology
February 2020
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer Section A and Section B Separately
Secton - A
I. Elaborate on: (1 x 12 = 12)
1. Name the organs of male reproductive system. Describe in detail about testis.
II. Write notes on: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Name the parts of extra-hepatic biliary apparatus. Write about gall bladder.
2. Describe in detail the supports of uterus.
3. Right atrium of the heart.
III. Short answers on: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Median cubital vein – position and clinical importance.
2. Write about the parts of the ureter.
3. Mention any four functional areas of cerebrum.
4. Name the bones forming the vertebral column.
5. Name the fissures and lobes of right lung.
Section - B
I. Elaborate on: (1 x 13 = 13)
1. Define Landsteiner’s Law. Explain ABO blood grouping system. Add a note on Erythroblastosis foetalis.
II. Write notes on: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Define cardiac output. Write a short note on factors regulating cardiac output.
2. Intrinsic pathway of coagulation.
3. Functions of cerebellum.
III. Short answers on: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Pancreatic secretions.
2. Hormones of anterior pituitary gland.
3. Any two non-excretory functions of kidney.
4. Cretinism.
5. Functions of testosterone.
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